Friday, December 7, 2012

Yes, I am afraid I cannot tell a lie. #RIVENDAY has been ENGAGED! 

(You know, that means it's out and all. Huzzah!)
Both buttons will take you to their respective spots to grab an ebook copy of this delicious read. 

Oh, and the awesome part. 
For the release day, and ONLY THE RELEASE DAY (DECEMBER 7TH, 2012), Riven will be priced at $0.99
After that, it will return to normal pricing.

What does this mean, you ask? Grab that sucker today, don't wait, and show a little love for #RIVENDAY! 

Hold onto your hats, all you Kayden fans. 
Try not to cry too much, all you Ari fans. 
And Essallie fans? Just pray she makes it through this book alive.