Monday, March 4, 2013

It's been a few days since the release of ETHEREAL, and as much as I want to stay focused on one thing at a time, I can't help but want to get the word out of the winning cover to A SHARD OF ICE! I finally will be able to share the winning cover, full blurb, AND a teaser that will probably have you sobbing for the wait for April 2014.

I'm a tease, I know. ;)

The cover reveal for A SHARD OF ICE is scheduled for... dun dun dun, April 11th, 2013! Also known as my birthday, also known as an awesome day, also known as...

Well, I can't say all of it. That would ruin the fun of the secret you'll all get to read with the cover reveal. Mwahahaha-ha.

Want to take part in the cover reveal and see it before everyone else?
Here's how:

*You MUST fill out this form before April 9th, 11:59PM EST!
*Facebook pages (must be book related, cannot be personal profiles) can participate as well. You do not need a blog to participate in the cover reveal.

Everyone who participates in the cover reveal for A Shard of Ice will be entered into a drawing for an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) of A Shard of Ice in paperback. Winners will be selected randomly. 

A lot of you have been asking just what A Shard of Ice is about, and have been wanting to know the details. While I can't break down every inch of the book for you, I can say it's probably my favorite book out of everything I've written so far. Lilix has been near and dear to my heart for years now, and now you all finally get to step into her world. 

Come on, April, get here faster!


  1. I'd like to participate. Mallory Heart Reviews

    1. Awesome, I'll add you to the sign-up sheet Mallory :)
