Sunday, August 19, 2012

Do you think you know who Lilix is? 
So earlier today while I was slumming it out at work, you know doing the usual chew-on-pen-caps and sell stuff routine, I had a little thought bubble visit me. Yet again, it’s about Lilix. My mind cannot stop infatuating about writing her story. I can’t take down enough notes, scribble on enough paper, graphically design enough kick ass promo material to satisfy what I am officially calling Lilix Disease. I even said OML (Oh My Lilix) at work today, for crying out loud. 
It’s so weird, it’s like this freaky love-hate relationship thing with her. I’m in love at the fact that I can still after roughly 6-7+ years pull her out of my brain like pulling my phone out of my back pocket, and almost physically hear her talk to me, tell me her stories. 
But then it sort of dawned on me that no one else really knows what the hell I’m talking about. Kind of like putting a Chinese native and French native in the same room and letting them figure out how to give each other directions to Pizza Hut. It’s just one big clusterchunk of whaaaaaaat?
So in light of my dawning knowledge that yes, no one knows who the heck this girl is and all she can do, I’m tasking you with a challenge. Either on Tumblr or Twitter, post your thoughts on what, or who, you think Lilix is. Maybe she’s an alien, and I’m totally writing a Mars sci-fi story. Maybe she’s a siren and freezes water and that’s why the first book is called A Shard of Ice. Or maybe I’m just tossing you these bizarre red herrings to get your minds moving on the idea. Either way, share your thoughts with me, and don’t forget to use #whoislilix with them so I can find/see them! 


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