Thursday, January 31, 2013

Phew! Okay, looks like I'm going to be late on this one. >.< One of my favorite indie authors, and fellow mentor-guide-person-of-awesomeness, Willow Cross, is having a cover reveal today. Yay! It's a beautiful new set of covers to her Oceans of Red series, and the best part is, with these new covers comes some equally cool news. But first, cover love time! Oceans of Red Volume One Oceans of Red Volume Two Definitely a wicked,...

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Voting Time!  Not too long ago, I asked on my Facebook what you guys wanted to see more, the cover to the final Illumine novel, or the covers I wanted to put to vote for A Shard of Ice, the debut to my new upcoming series, the Black Symphony Saga. By just a teeny-tiny inch, you voted to see the Shard of Ice covers. I'm guessing it probably has to do with all those itty-bitty teasers I keep sharing without giving you any real information as to what this series is about.  Well, no more fretting. Once this gorgeous cover contest comes...

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Oh, squee! It's another cover reveal, ladies and gents!  But this time, it's from a loving friend of mine, and fellow author, Airicka Phoenix! Let's show this lovely author some love (lovely, love, I need to invest in a bigger vocabulary box). Ahem. I present to you... -drumroll-  GAMES OF FIRE! Title: Games of Fire Author: Airicka Phoenix Publisher: Self-Published Release date: February 14, 2013 Genre: Young Adult Contemporary...