Monday, June 27, 2011

The title is just for you, Steph. <3 Hey everyone! Sorry I've been gone so long, I think I'm still suffering from a small case of brain lock from inhaling too much Hollister body spray and finding sand in places I thought I cleaned it out. Twice. But all is well, and I'm working to make everything stay on the timeline I'm dedicated to completing. Vacation was flat out AMAZING, and I think the best part (aside from getting some of the best cuddly...

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Okay so, I have a few things I realize I needed to remedy from before on one of my last blog posts, and then post more stuff that may or may not ever be read by anyone other than me, my boyfriend Tim (I know you creep my page, honey) and a few friends. Remember how I said I had multiple things go talk about after the whole WSJ article? Well, I originally did. I don't remember them now. Moving on! (In restrospect, this sounded funnier in my head than it is on here.) But honestly, I do have a thing or to I wanted to write about. First, I'm crazy...

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The title sounds a little tragic, I know, but this was a spur of the moment post that just kind of snowballed into a post for the blog. I've been feeling a little... 'eh' the past two days. By eh, I mean more or less that I'd rather watch paint dry in the middle of a root canal without anesthesia than write another word for Illumine. The love-hate relationship I have with my writing is very 80-20, 80 being pure hate and frustration and the lone 20 being this obsessive love compulsion about it. But recently it's take a bigger dominance over...

Monday, June 6, 2011

so many topics, so little time.

I think my brain's been trying to explode on me for the last few hours between the few things I wanted to cover in my next post on my blog, and it's really taken about two days for me to finally straighten it out and say, "Okay, I think I got this now. Quick, write it before it changes its mind." The first thing I wanted to talk about was the whole post here from WSJ (@wsj via twitter). Being a little new to the whole Twitter network and blogging lifestyle as a whole, I turned on my iPad Sunday morning to find my newsfeed in the process of a...

Friday, June 3, 2011

Ohhhhhhh how I loathe blogging. Correction; I loathe starting a blog post. All I ever think about as I stare at the screen is why I can't come up with a witty, informational piece to inspire others to read me, or why I can't just share my whole novel, Illumine, for all of you to read on here, right now. I think I can answer the first part easily; I am not a naturally witty person. I am one by trial and error. As terrible as this sounds, I trolled friends online for years to see when I got away with witty, side jabs and remarks versus when I crossed...