Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Personal note: I am not an early blogger. Sleep, in the form of comatose like bits, means I typically don't wake up until noon, sometimes later if I know I don't have anything to do. (I know I'm not the only one who does this, not because my mother does the same thing, or because I know a few friends who do the same, too, but... I just know. ESP. Yeahhhhh.) That being said, I figured it would be better to post my Teaser Tuesday post before everyone else passed out sometime around midnight (typically the time I start my internet trolling and Facebook...

Sunday, May 29, 2011

new layout? check.

Since I still haven't jumped onto the 'In my mailbox' wagon just yet (I'm still so new to this whole book blogging business, and yes, it is a business. Have you seen some of the people who do this 24/7?) I figured it was time to dump the standard blog template and give it a new, clean look. So if you've seen my blog before and suddenly go into color withdrawal shock, don't fret. I'm going to go deviant art hunting over the next few days and design a pretty banner up top with lots of color. I'm still editing my work in progress so far, but I'm...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ever get a song stuck in your head? Not like the finger-tapping random-humming types, but the ones where you only know a few words and you keep repeating them over and over and over? /twitch. Demi Lovato has completely done that to me, and while I want to blame her, I can't. I blame my friend, Katie, who let me scroll through her iTunes and ravage it for new inspiration music. Well, the inspiration came, just with the crazy re-signing of the same song for three days now. Haha... /twitch twitch. I'm kidding. I can't blame anyone for my random...

Saturday, May 7, 2011

I know I shouldn't start off a blog sounding very valley-girl by saying 'so', but I'm in too good a mood to care. So. SO. I don't know if many people know this, but I think I've discovered the key to opening your mind and letting your muse run wild and free, like a unicorn in a field of talking flowers where the talking flowers just so happen to give you this awesome advice on writing the next section of your Pretty Word Document. Ready for this? I...

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Why is it that the hardest post is always the first one? That sounds remarkably ironic coming from a writer, I know, but just work with me here. It's 12:03 am and I think my brain is completely fried. I guess you could say that this blog is mainly for me to sputter out whatever the heck bounces off my head that won't end up in a story somewhere, or on my other primary blog that I take part of on a writing forum. That one is more up the alley of, "My boyfriend and I are fighting and I need a place to vent/scream/cry." Because as much as I...